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When someone gets behind the wheel the last thing they want to encounter is the flashing lights of a patrol car or motorcycle flagging them down to pull aside. This gesture generally means that the driver was involved in some sort of traffic violation and will probably end up receiving a citation because of it. In some instances, the traffic stop could be something as simple as a broken tail light. On the other hand, speeding, improper lane change or running a red light will involve higher fines and may even cause insurance rates to increase.


Evaluate The Ticket

The first step is to understand the charges and the risks involved by evaluating the ticket. In a few instances, it may be less of a headache to pay the fine and move on. Based on the infraction the driver should probably consult with an attorney before paying the fine, especially if the consequences involve points on their license. The officer will present the driver with a ticket, followed by instructions as to their responsibilities. The driver should waste no time enlisting a competent attorney to help them sort things out.


Determine The Outcome

Unfortunately, the stress of receiving a ticket may be a little more than some drivers can handle, and they throw the ticket in a draw and end up forgetting about it. More often than not, the driver will end up missing the due date on the ticket which will only create a bigger problem for their driving abilities. Ideally, drivers should contact the attorney long before the due date, but if that fails to happen, it will be up to the attorney to do damage control and offer advice on the next step.


The Next Step

It is important to understand that although laws will differ from one state to another, ignoring the courts when a date has been issued will generally result in the same upset legal system anywhere the driver goes. In most instances after missing the due date on a ticket a warrant of some sort is issued and if the recipient failed to seek legal council before, they should put this requirement on the top of their to-do list.


The Consequences

After being stood up by the accused, the courts generally add another charge to the mix for failing to appear as ordered. The accused could also end up paying fines like a fee for presenting a warrant for their arrest. At this point, the services of a lawyer would be looking pretty good, especially since they will have a better than average chance of getting the failure to appear charges tabled. Keep in mind that if this kind of behavior by the accused has happened in the past, then it will only make the task a little more challenging for the attorney.


A Good Defense

The problem with missing a due date is that it can have a ripple effect for the driver. In addition to the possibility of a warrant being issued, it is very common for the license to be suspended until the matter has been resolved. Drivers who have failed to secure the services of an attorney should ensure that they keep their due date rather than face the consequences. Worst-case scenario the ticket will be paid and if the accused didn’t agree with the points they received they could hire an attorney to help them revisit the case.