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Every day individuals get pulled over by the police for various reasons. Some of these police stops result in a warning, a citation, or even the driver being taken to jail. To make sure these stops are simple and easy on the driver one should follow certain do’s and don’t’s when you are being pulled over by police.

Let us start off with what you should do when you are being pulled over by a cop. When you first notice the sirens and the flashing lights in your rear view mirror, you should acknowledge the cop by turning on your flashers then proceed to find a safe place for you to pull off the road at. When you have parked roll your window completely down. This will help you to hear everything that the officer is saying as well as hand over any documentation that is asked for. Once the window is down, turn the engine off and place your hands on your steering wheel. This will show the police officer that you pose no threat. Once the officer does make his or her way to your window, retrieve all documentation at a slow and steady speed.

In order to make sure that this encounter with the police officer goes smooth and easy, there are a few actions that you should refrain from.

One of the actions includes giving the officer a reason to search your vehicle. When the officer pulls your vehicle over, they are able to see your silhouette from their car. If you are constantly moving then the officer may assume that you have something to hide. So instead of being a wiggle worm, remain calm and still.

When the officer approaches your window do not volunteer any information that can incriminate you. For example, many officers will ask the question “do you know the reason why I pulled you over”. Some individuals answer this question revealing to the officer various reason why he or she deserved to get pulled over. This revealing of information can result in additional citations or even a search of your vehicle. Instead of stating why you think the officer pulled you’re over just simply reply “no I do not know why you pulled me over”. They will give you the reason for them stopping you.

An important don’t to remember is don’t try to retrieve documentation before you are asked to do so. Police officers work a very dangerous job that can lead to them losing their life even over a simple traffic stop. Your movements to retrieve your license from your back pocket or your registration from the glove compartment can be mistaken for you reaching for a weapon. This can cause the officer to react by retrieving his or her gun from the holster and even calling for back up.

Last but not least, don’t try to be your own hero. If the officer gives you a ticket but you disagree with it, don’t try to argue with the officer. This is neither the time nor the place to handle such a situation. Fussing with the officer can quickly escalate the traffic stop and possibly result in you being arrested. Instead of fussing with the officer, take the proper steps to contest the ticket by possibly hiring a lawyer.

Understanding the do’s and don’t’s when you are being pulled over by police can help to cause your traffic stop to go a lot easier and smoother.